Welcome to our dedicated Laser & Skin Clinic website. On this site we endevour to answer all of the queries you may have regarding skin and Laser treatments available for both Women and Men. We utilise only the best medical grade equipment and products recognised World-wide by surgeons and dermatologists to achieve amazing results with minimum appointments thus saving you both time and money. Our success is testement to our expertise in these fields. Our site is divided into two sections, Laser Treatments and Skin Treatments. The Laser section deals with skin problems, hair removal and skin rejuvenation treatable utilising the Candela Alexandrite Laser. The Skin section deals with the many varied skin problems that we see on a daily basis. These are treatable after an initial diagnosis usually by the implementation of a skin regime utilising our medical grade Alumier products.
We also explain how and why these treatments work so well, and how your expectations can be acheived. If you have any further questions, please do not hesistate to book a Free Consultation so that we may assess your condition thoroughly and determine the correct way to move forward.
